Celestin Apprentice 5
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NeuroSim 1.0
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237 lines
// ===========================================================================
// CNeuron.cp ©1996 Timo Eloranta
// ===========================================================================
// An abstract neuron class - derived from LLink to be queueable
#include "CNeuron.h"
#include "CNeuralNet.h" // AddToLightQ
#include "NS_Utils.h" // PlayOneSnd
#include <Icons.h> // Universal header
#include <LListIterator.h> // PowerPlant header
CNeuralNet * CNeuron::sNet = NULL; // Initialize the static member
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • SetNeuronState
// Called by: CNeuron::CNeuron()
// CNeuron::IncState
// CStdNeuron::DoClickAction
// CStdNeuron::SetPostLightUpState
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the state of the neuron to the given value and mark this neuron
// as "dirty" so that it will be redrawn when the display is next updated.
inline void
CNeuron::SetNeuronState( Uint16 inState )
mState = inState;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • CNeuron()
// Called by: Constructors of subclasses
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default constructor. Can't be called with 'new', since CNeuron is
// an abstract class.
SetNeuronState( 0 );
mMaxState = 0;
mConnDirty = true;
mConnLit = false;
mDestination = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • IncState
// Called by: CStdNeuron::DoLightUpAction
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Increase the state of the neuron by one, unless the state is already
// high enough to cause the neuron to light up. If the increasing causes
// the neuron to light up, we add the neuron to the "light up queue".
if ( ! ShouldLightUp() ) {
SetNeuronState( mState + 1 );
if ( ShouldLightUp() ) {
sNet -> AddToLightQ( (LLink *) this );
PlayOneSnd( snd_Zap, true );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • SetNeuronPos
// Called by: CNeuralNet::InitMatrix
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set this neuron's position (column & row) in the matrix.
inline void
CNeuron::SetNeuronPos( Uint16 inCol, Uint16 inRow )
mCol = inCol;
mRow = inRow;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • GetNeuronPos
// Called by: CNeuralNet::GenerateConnections
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get this neuron's position (column & row) in the matrix.
inline void
CNeuron::GetNeuronPos( Uint16 & outCol, Uint16 & outRow) const
outCol = mCol;
outRow = mRow;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • IsReceptor
// Called by: CStdNeuron::DoClickAction
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A neuron is a receptor if it can be manually lit by the user.
// By default the neurons in the first column are receptors.
inline Boolean
CNeuron::IsReceptor() const
return mCol == 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • AddToNeuronList
// Called by: CNeuralNet::GenerateConnections
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add the given neuron to the end of this neurons list of connected
// neurons. Also update the mMaxState attribute!
inline void
CNeuron::AddToNeuronList( const CNeuronPtr inNeuronPtr )
mNextOnes.InsertItemsAt( 1, arrayIndex_Last, &inNeuronPtr );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • IsConnectedTo
// Called by: CNeuralNet::GenerateConnections
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return true if this neuron has a connection to the neuron which
// inNeuronPtr points to. Otherwise return false.
CNeuron::IsConnectedTo( const CNeuronPtr inNeuronPtr )
LListIterator theScanner( mNextOnes, iterate_FromStart );
CNeuronPtr theNeuron;
while ( theScanner.Next( &theNeuron )) {
if ( theNeuron == inNeuronPtr )
return true;
return false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • SetNet
// Called by: CNeuralNet::InitMatrix
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the value of the static member sNet which points to the
// CNeuralNet object which owns this and all the other neurons.
CNeuron::SetNet( CNeuralNet *inNet )
sNet = inNet;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • Draw
// Called by: CNeuralNet::DrawNeurons
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw this neuron (without the connections!) with a number and a color
// which show the state of the neuron. If the neuron is below its maximum
// state its color is either green (if state = 0) or blue (state > 0).
// If the neuron is in its maximum state, it's color is red. Yellow is the
// color of a neuron which is over its maximum state (when lit up).
// The icon resources are numbered as follows:
// green: 200, blue: 201-208, red: 300-309, yellow: 400
CNeuron::Draw( const Rect & inRect )
Int16 theResID; // ID of the icon resource
if ( mState < mMaxState )
theResID = 200 + mState;
else if ( mState == mMaxState )
theResID = 300 + mState;
else // mState > mMaxState
theResID = 400; // (= the neuron is lit up)
::PlotIconID( &inRect, // Rect
atNone, // AlignmentType
ttNone, // IconTransformType
theResID); // Icon resource ID
// The following has to do with the case where the user checks
// which neurons are connected to a certain neuron by clicking
// a "normal" neuron or option-clicking a receptor. We draw a
// yellow ring around the connected neurons, because simply
// lighting the connections isn't enough in the case of multiple
// connected neurons being in the exact same direction...
// The resource ID of the "yellow ring" icon is 500.
if ( mDestination )
::PlotIconID( &inRect, atNone, ttNone, 500 );
mRedrawNeeded = false; // Just drew it, so it's fine now
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// • DrawConnections
// Called by: CNeuralNet::DrawConnections
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw the connections of this neuron by going through the mNextOnes list.
// If the connections are lit up, they are drawn in yellow color, otherwise
// in the color set by CNeuroSimPane::DrawConnections().
CNeuron::DrawConnections( )
LListIterator theScanner( mNextOnes, iterate_FromStart );
CNeuronPtr theNeuron;
const RGBColor kYellowRGB = { 0xFC00, 0xF37D, 0x052F };
if ( mConnLit )
::RGBForeColor( &kYellowRGB );
while ( theScanner.Next( &theNeuron )) {
::MoveTo( mCenter.h, mCenter.v );
::LineTo( theNeuron -> mCenter.h,
theNeuron -> mCenter.v );
mConnDirty = false; // Just drew 'em, so they are "clean" now...